DLE / DLN Tuning

The strict requirements and stringent regulations for gas turbine emissions are becoming one of the most challenging issues faced by owners and operators in the industrial utilities today. To maintain gas turbines operating within the allowable range of emissions in a cost-effective manner requires high calibre specialists who have the expertise in the operation of Gas turbine to support that while minimizing combustion dynamic pressures and mitigating Dynamic Instabilities in the Gas Turbine Combustors.

TCS has highly skilled specialists to perform DLN tuning / DLE mapping using proven methods and techniques to perform such tasks.

TCS has expertise in various types of gas turbines, i.e.GE heavy Frame 6B, 7EA, 7FA, 9E, 9FA, LM2500, TM2500, LM6000, and others.

TCS is also a pioneer in providing Combustion Engines’ emissions upgrade solutions and DLN tuning kits used by field engineers around the world to tune turbines’ combustion.
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