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Recently, environmental regulatory bodies have forced power generation plants to lower NOx emissions levels by using Dry Low NOx (DLN) Combustors which operate at lean fuel-to-air ratios to meet those stringent NOx emissions levels. This resulted in combustor pulsations, dynamic pressure oscillations, flashback, and combustion instabilities which produce significantly high vibration that can lead to accelerated wear of the mechanical parts and damage the turbine package.

To minimize or eliminate the potential damage to the turbine components, regular tuning of these systems is required to ensure compliance with emission regulations and long-term component integrity by to quickly detecting the presence of these combustor pulsations and dynamic pressure oscillations.

TCS offers a Dynamic Monitoring System that is customized for measurement and detection of dynamic pressure pulsations in gas turbine with DLN system with simple design, setup and use. It is also user-friendly and can be offered as a portable system or as a permanent installation.


For more info, contact us here.