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This 5-day training course gives a practical introduction to centrifugal gas compressors, their performance characteristics and their operation within a process plant. Topics will include compressor performance and selection, control strategies for capacity and surge protection and compressor operations

Learning Outcomes of this training course include:

  • Be able to identify the most common types of compressors in use today
  • Understand the thermodynamic and physical principles of compression systems
  • Explain the purpose and function of the main compressor components
  • Understand the impact of suction condition variations (Gas composition, pressure, temperature, flow) on compressor performance
  • Be familiar with the most commonly used capacity control systems
  • Understand how the design of an overall plant control scheme relates to the compression system
  • Have a thorough understanding of surge and its consequences for the machine
  • Understand the principles of more complex anti-surge control systems
  • Be able to set-up simple anti-surge control systems for both fixed and variable    speed compressors
  • Be able to explore typical compressor operating scenarios (including start up) and identify commonly encountered problems
  • Understand how to prevent a compressor surging on trip and the use of hot-gas bypass valves

For more info, contact us here.